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100th Post

Monday, March 3, 2008 0 comments

Well this is my 100th post. I started this blog in June 2007. It has had many different looks. I have tried to make the blog symbolize me an my interest, but realized it was just too cluttered. I think I finally found the look that will stay.

I started this blog because I enjoyed reading other people's blogs and my responses would be too lengthy or I just wanted to go off topic. I then decided to just start my own. I don't like to make this only about one issue, though I do tend to only talk about religion, politics and sports.

The nice thing about blogs is that each one is different. They may have different objectives. Some are specifically about one topic, some focus on controversial topics to accumulate a lot of traffic and comments, some even have a new post daily, or just rant about whatever.

I have tried a few different things, but have found contentment in just writing about what I want and when I want. I am satisfied with the number of visitors and have met some nice people I enjoy conversing/debating with.

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