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Is Lordship A Part Of Salvation?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6 comments

After reading and replying to many posts dealing with predestination and losing salvation, I have thought more and more on the topic of lordship salvation. Do not be confused, this is not saying works is apart of salvation. Submitting Christ as Lord of you life is in connection to trusting Him to be saved. “and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again”. 2 Corinthians 5:15

Jesus’ earthly ministry did not have people make a decision or say a prayer. His message was one of discipleship. Jesus described two ways, narrow and broad (Matthew 7:13-14). The narrow will have few and the broad will have many. Mathew 7:21-23 is a verse that should make every evangelical make sure they are spreading the gospel message correctly. Jesus said that many will call upon his name and he will say “I never knew you”. Those are frightening words to me.

We do not know what is in everyone’s heart, but the Bible does tell us what happens after salvation. For one, there is a change. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17. Furthermore, when Jesus was answering the disciples question about prayer He said “Your will be done” not the individual (Mathew 6:10).

In addition, the book of James mentions works numerous times. Like I said before, I do not believe this is saying salvation is by works. What I think James is talking about when he talks about works in James 2:14-26 is that salvation will bring forth fruit of good works (Mathew 7:18-20)

Unlike predestination and losing salvation this topic does depend on one’s salvation. I think that easy believism is dangerous and giving many false hope.

6 comments: to “ Is Lordship A Part Of Salvation? so far...

  • Timm August 22, 2007 at 4:00 PM

    I agree with you in principle. I think that you have done a good job here of stressing the point that Lordship is not a means of salvation, but a result of salvation.

    The answer to your question is yes. Belief IS sufficent. But it has to be TRUE beleif. If someone truly beleives the gospel message, they will be led to repentance and faith. This is the Spirit doing this work, not the beleiver. I think the same is true for Lordship. The spirit leads the true beleiver to Lordship. Our natural inclination is to turn from God and rebel against Him. It is only by his work that we can turn TO him.

  • Anonymous August 22, 2007 at 9:56 PM

    I think Lordship is a part of salvation and has a result. I don't think someone can just say I beleive in Jesus Christ and continue to live how they want. You have to take the whole package of Christ.

    In Luke 23:42 the thief crucified next to Jesus said "Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom." This thief knew that he had know chance, but he believed in Jesus' power.

    From a personal experience, when I was younger in my teens I was fully aware of the gospel and believed Jesus died for me. However, I did not except His Lordship and continued to live according to me. Not until I was twenty I would say I actually accepted His Lordship. Then I started to grow and learn more about God.

    I will finish with this question: Is someone saved if they believe that Jesus died for the only purpose of not going to hell? They do nothing but believe. A recent poll I seen said that 80% of Americans claim to be Christians. Would we have all the problem and perversion if this were true?

  • Layneh August 23, 2007 at 2:46 PM

    I believe Lordship is a byproduct of salvation. It is not easy to make Christ the center of your life. It is against our human nature.

    When I think about this issue, I am drawn to think about the fruit of the spirit, and the parable of the sower and the seed.

    Many believe in Christ, thats not to say that He is their Lord though. On the other hand, Christ cannot be your Lord if you do not believe. I feel you must first believe, and Lordship comes later, with understanding.

    The question you ask comes down to bearing fruit. I think its interesting that you mention the negative aspects of our society, when in fact, its also those "believers" who bear no fruit that will be cut off and burned.

    The real question here should be, What fruit are you producing? Now I dont ask that to seek answers, I ask that so that the readers can mull it over and decide how effective they are for Christ, and in that, is their belief that that changed their life. If so, where is the fruit?

    What is an active Christ-like follower?

    This is a good topic.

  • Timm August 23, 2007 at 2:57 PM

    I might ardue that you did not actually believe when you were a teenager. You heard the story, it made sense to you. You thought it was a good idea. You even wanted it.

    I think that if someone truly beleives, they can not help but make Jesus the Lord of their life.

    "beleivers" are not cut off and burned. "pretenders" are.

  • Craig August 23, 2007 at 3:59 PM

    I fully understand where you guys are coming from. An unbeliever does not fully understand, but Jesus talks about discipleship in Luke 14:25-34.

    26"If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his wown life also, he cannot be My disciple."

    Jesus is not preaching hate, obviously. He is teaching a lessor love. He takes priority. A change will take place. As far as other by-products that comes with growth.

  • Anonymous August 27, 2007 at 9:40 PM

    I can see both sides. Belief certainly starts with something less than lordship. I first believed when I was 5 (oh so many years ago). At that age, there just is no understanding of such a concept.

    But as you grow, your belief must also grow. If it doesn't, then you are still a carnal babe in Jesus and in strong need of growth and maturity.

    So no, lordship cannot be a part of "salvation" (if you define salvation as a single point in time). But, if you look at "salvation" as the end product (as the Scriptures define it) then it is the process of growth that leads to true salvation. If you do not grow, you will still be saved - but only as if by fire.

    If you are growing in Jesus, there is no way that you can deny his lordship. He is the Creator. It is by trusting in his promises that we "achieve" salvation.

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