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Racial Division

Thursday, April 3, 2008 2 comments

I just watched a screening of the documentary "Indoctrinate U". It is about the liberal bias that takes place in the public universities. I recommend everyone watch it. It made me laugh at the ridiculousness of liberals, frustrated at academia, and frightened at the examples that this stuff is really happening.

Something that really made me weary is the segment of race. After all of the ruckus over Obama's pastor's comments, which I think showed the strong racial tension that still exists. After watching I am now aware that this is happening on college campuses. Universities always talk about diversity and equality. Neither is happening. There have been some extreme allegations against people concerning racism that have been proven to be completely false, but not before universities spent thousands of taxpayer's money.

Another example is that some universities have segregated dorms. Here is an article about it. The same people who promote diversity are also depriving it. In my opinion, the most nonracial atmosphere I have witnessed was during my time in the Navy. We were forced to live together and depend on each other.

I am expecting a serious racial tension soon. I hope it does not happen, but it is so obvious after the statements made by Rev. Wright. Everyone was divided and very sensitive to the issue. Do you agree that racism is a big issue? Do you foresee any problems?

2 comments: to “ Racial Division so far...

  • Kinggame April 5, 2008 at 11:50 AM

    Pretty sick. One does see a lot of bias to what qualifies as "free thought" and this video is disturbing.

    I have to say though, simply looking at the most extreme examples fails to give a proper view. My school was pretty liberal, but my professors were never rude or discouraging when I spoke up with a conservative view, which I did frequently. They were just happy I was speaking in class. I may disagree with the liberal bias, but even my registered Marxist professor was never indignant with my blatantly capitalist views.

    Great vid though.

  • Mike April 5, 2008 at 12:10 PM

    The video apparently got pulled from YouTube before I could watch it, but I have an idea as to what it was about...

    IMO, the way to deal with PC culture on campus is to just avoid the majors where it thrives. That it tends to thrive in the majors that are little more than upgraded, overpriced high school diplomas is probably no coincidence.

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