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Cross vs. Crucifix

Wednesday, January 9, 2008 1 comments

I have noticed that Catholics choose to display crucifixes and Protestants choose just a cross. This post is not an attack on Catholics, but just an observation between the two. My take is that the cross is used because died and rose again. As Jesus said “it is finished”. I am not an expert on Catholicism, so I am unsure why they prefer the image of Jesus’ body on the cross. Is it merely one paying more attention to His resurrection and the other emphasizing His death? Does anyone know? Would like to share what they prefer? Or does it matter at all?

1 comments: to “ Cross vs. Crucifix so far...

  • McQ January 10, 2008 at 3:26 AM

    You see the same thing in the churches. Instead of a simple cross in a Catholic Church, it's typically a crucifix.
    I was raised Catholic and used to wear a crucifix, mainly because it was a gift from my godmother.
    I don't know if it has anything to do with differences in belief. The crucifix might have Jesus on it because it signifies His death for our sins.
    To me the only difference seems to be aesthetic. They're both symbols of the same faith, representing the same notion.

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