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Hillary and McCain take N.H.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 2 comments

I am not surprised that John McCain won for the Republicans, but I am shocked by the Clinton win (was it the tears?). The next primary is in my home state of Michigan. I hope to see some of the candidates as they make their appeals.

Two states down, Romney (aka moneybags)is hurting bad, we still have a Clinton vs Obama race, and the others are staying in why? Is it just to mess up the votes? Who knows. Who do you think should drop out? Does Romney still have a chance? Is Edwards hurting Obama by staying in? What are your opinions thus far?

2 comments: to “ Hillary and McCain take N.H. so far...

  • Layneh January 9, 2008 at 2:54 PM

    McCain was taking N.H., there was no questions about that. He has won it in the past, and with the war moving in a positive direction, he was the man.

    Thompson should drop out, Hunter should drop out, Guiliani should go, and let Ron Paul stay in.

    Dems should let Edwards go, he is doing worse than his last run. I don't know that he is taking votes from Obama, but I cant say that his supporters will flock to Clinton either. Obama really hits home with the young people, and if they don't vote, he is going to get shafted.

    I think the GOP should run McCain, Romney, Huckabee and Paul. However If Romney doesn't win in MI, he should drop out. Then its between Huck, McCain, and Paul. Paul should stay in it just because it shows the GOP that people are interested in what he has to say. I think he could be an okay VP, but Tancredo would be better.

    As the GOP really goes, I think its a Huckabee vs. McCain match-up. Lets hope Michigan is a close race between those two and Romney wont have much choice but to quit. I think a McCain vs. Huckabee race will prove to be difficult, but good for the party.

  • Roland January 9, 2008 at 11:12 PM

    I think after Super Tuesday, if Edwards doesn't win much, he will see the handwriting on the wall and chuck in his support for Obama.
    Just a hunch, but it would fit.

    I like Layne's take that the competition is good for the Republicans. It would help the party in the long run. It might actually hurt the upcoming election, though. But only time will tell.

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